Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Story of the Jobless Otaku Part 2: I Think I'm Turning Japanese (I really think so!)

Okinawa, Japan. A beautiful island to the south of the mainland that is lush and tropical. A place where Morning Glories grew wild and hummingbirds were a common sight.
American Village in Mihama, Okinawa: I walked to this building nearly every Friday!
It was hot our first year on Kadena Air Base, but we eventually got used to the humidity. I went to Kadena Elementary (our mascot was, as my mother likes to say, the 'fighting sushi fish') and I met a few people, but it wasn't until we moved to a different base (Lester) that I really hit a milestone in life and my obsession with anime. I had two awesome friends: Bri (who we nicknamed 'Nana') and Sam, both of which loved anime as much as I did. Together, we came up with this awesome system of trading manga and anime while at school, borrowing them until finished, and giving them back....Yeah, we came up with an Otaku Library System. Through OLS (so close to a HP reference!), I became familiar with Angel Tails, Pretear, and D.N.Angel (Dark and Daisuke....*drool*)
As suggestive as this seems, it isn't Shounen Ai or Yaoi, though there is a scene in the series that suggests this may not have always been the case...
Around this time I also got into the habit of memorizing and singing a variety of Japanese openings, which is a pastime I still enjoy today. I spent three awesome years in Okinawa and there is so much that I learned and experienced there that I will never forget, but alas, my family was called back to the States (that is what those of us on the Island called the U.S.), this time to Rhode Island.
A big Pastime in Okinawa was Taiko, the art of drumming (and dancing)In the background is Dragon Palace, the local arcade
>>TBC (one more part to go!)

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